Advocates Celebrate Renewed and Expanded Maternal, Child Health Funding in Chicago City Budget

Media Contacts:

Eleanor Grano, Communications Manager, Chicago Abortion Fund

Email: (cc:

Phone: 312-219-1611

Celeste Sanchez, PR and Marketing Specialist, Planned Parenthood of Illinois


Phone: 773-923-9906

Joanna Klonsky, Personal PAC


Phone: 312-307-0840

Joint Statement from Chicago Abortion Fund, Planned Parenthood of Illinois, and Personal PAC


CHICAGO, IL – October 11, 2023

The Chicago Abortion Fund (CAF), Planned Parenthood of Illinois (PPIL), and Personal PAC are thrilled to confirm expanded city funding for the Chicago Department of Public Health's (CDPH) Bureau of Maternal, Infant, Child, and Adolescent Health (MICAH) in the proposed FY 2024 City of Chicago budget. This continued financial support is a testament to the City's commitment to addressing reproductive health disparities in Chicago.

In 2022, under Mayor Lightfoot, the City of Chicago allocated $500,000 in corporate funds for the Justice for All initiative, which aims to address racial and gender disparities in health outcomes for those seeking reproductive care in Chicago.This funding was increased in the FY 2023 budget, with additional funding given to PPIL and CAF.

In FY 2024, PPIL also received a $525,000 grant for the Chicago Healthy Adolescents & Teens (CHAT) program, a sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing initiative for adolescents 13 to 24-years-old in Chicago. The wide-ranging program is intended to gauge need, interest, and feasibility for students and school administrators to best serve youth and meet them where they are. “The CHAT program destigmatizes STI health care and helps empower young people to take charge of their sexual health,” said Cary Archer, PPIL Senior Manager of Education.

"This renewed and expanded funding from the Johnson administration is more than just financial support; it's a cornerstone in our collective fight for abortion justice," said Megan Jeyifo, Executive Director of CAF. "This support will help thousands of people who need access to an abortion in Chicago. CAF will direct this funding to cover both appointment costs and logistical costs like hotel stays or bus, train, and plane tickets. This funding shows that the City understands the mandate we have to support people accessing essential healthcare here in Chicago.”

“This material support from the City of Chicago for abortion care is a strong example of why we must continue to put reproductive justice at the front of every election, up and down the ballot,” said Personal PAC CEO Sarah Garza Resnick. “We applaud Mayor Johnson for this crucial support in the 2024 budget, and look forward to working with the City, CAF, PPIL, and leaders across the state to build the abortion care infrastructure that is needed to meet this moment.”

According to the recent report by the Society for Family Planning, Illinois has seen an increase in demand for abortions in the tens of thousands since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision in 2022. Illinois and Chicago serve as a crucial access point for those in states near and far with more restrictive laws.

Since the Dobbs ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, CAF has heard from more than 13,000 people seeking care – a 92% increase from the prior year – and did not have to turn a single person away. The fund has pushed out $4.1 million dollars in direct support to meet the need of this ongoing crisis, which paid for appointment costs, lodging, childcare, transportation, and other needs to navigate people based in over 40 states to abortion clinics and hospitals across the region.

During that same timeframe, PPIL has experienced the highest increase in abortion rates in the nation resulting in a 54% increase in both medication and procedural abortion patients. PPIL has also seen an unprecedented number of out-of-state patients traveling from 36 different states, making up nearly a quarter of its overall abortion patients. The number of patients needing financial assistance or travel support to get care at PPIL has more than doubled in the year since Dobbs.

Chicago has become not only a regional access point for care, but a national one. Abortion clinics, funds, and advocates have been working tirelessly to continue to ensure that reproductive healthcare access is a reality for all – regardless of who they are or where they are from. Sustained funding and support from the City to CAF and PPIL both affirms this mission and ensures that the critical on-the-ground work happening in Chicago can continue, in a time when so many are relying on Chicago to access the healthcare they deserve.


The Chicago Abortion Fund (CAF) isn't just an organization; we're a movement. For 38 years, we've been tearing down barriers to abortion care in Chicago, the Midwest, and beyond. We're not just providing funding; we're supporting our callers in accessing freedom, dignity, and autonomy. 

CAF offers support for clients seeking abortions including, procedure funding, travel and related needs like childcare, emotional support and logistical expertise.The organization has relationships with 75+ abortion clinics across 12 states, and supports people nationwide. CAF has supported more than 13,000 clients since the Dobbs decision with over $4.1 million in aid. 

Planned Parenthood of Illinois (PPIL) provides affordable, high-quality reproductive health care services and medically accurate sexual health education. Through medical services, educational programs and advocacy efforts, PPIL works to ensure and protect the reproductive rights of each individual. For more information, visit

Personal PAC is the only non-partisan political organization in Illinois fighting to elect pro-choice, pro-abortion leaders to every level of government across the state. We work to elect pro-choice advocates to office and then hold them accountable to pass strong protections for reproductive rights and expand access to abortion and reproductive healthcare across Illinois.


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