every caller, every need.
take a look at how we have supported our callers, and the movement for abortion justice, in the year since the Dobbs decision – together.
We dream of a future where everyone has access to the healthcare they want, need, and deserve free of judgment and interference – and we are actively working towards that future, together. In the past year we unapologetically advocated for our callers' needs with lawmakers across all levels of government, mobilized thousands of pro-abortion champions in the streets of Chicago, and closed our first community-led research project to amplify the experiences and policy priorities of our grantees. We have been able to offer support to 100% of the people we reach on our helpline, without exclusionary means testing based on who they are, where they are from, or how much they make.
We can't thank you enough for standing alongside us in the movement for abortion justice. Your support has taken so many forms: sending generous donations, organizing fundraising events in your communities, having heart to heart conversations about abortion with loved ones, bringing your friends & families along to march in the streets for abortion access, and more.
Below, you'll find snapshots of a Year-in-Review, highlighting some of the amazing direct support, advocacy, research, and community building we accomplished together in this time of struggle. We know we are ready for another year of fighting for accessible, affordable abortion care for all with you by our side.
In gratitude,
The Chicago Abortion Fund Staff
A Message From Our Staff
Meet Our Staff
Board of Directors
Chitra Panjabi, Chair
Victoria Torres-Garcia, Treasurer
Hannah Lee, Secretary
Ana Aguilera
Tory deMartelly
Lara Haddadin
Kheira Issaoui-Mansouri
Mattia Katz
Aileen Kim
Janeen Lee
Rabiah Mayas
Alyssa Stenson
Christina Uzzo
Suz Warshell
Helpline Volunteers
Aalap, Abigail, Ashlee, Caroline, Dominique, Dani, Emma G., Emma S., Hailey, Jessie, Joanna, Julia, Katherine D., Katherine J., Kati, Krystal Kara, Louisa, Logan, Lydia, Madeline, Michelle, Rabiah, Radia, Ruthie, Sahar, Samantha
Movement Building Cohort Volunteers
Laura, Tecora, Alicja, Jayme, Michelle, Logan, Ashlee, Diana, Connie, Alexa, Julia, Callie, Alyssa, Tonya, Allison, Sara, Tenzin, Karen, Amy, Sindu, Zelene, Annie, Maya, Ryan, Abby
Our Helpline Program
Where most of our callers are based Post-Dobbs (June 24, 2022-June 2023)
Where most of our callers were based Pre-Dobbs
Where most of our callers are accessing care Post-Dobbs
Our helpline is our largest program at CAF – and this year we supported historic numbers of people in accessing abortion care – regardless of who they are, how much money they make, or what zip code they happen to live in – to meet the growing needs of a post-Roe world. We want to especially acknowledge our volunteer helpline team members, over 25 people who support our work and connect callers to the care they deserve alongside our staff.
Expansive Service Area
CAF has working relationships with over 75 clinics, telehealth providers, and hospital-based abortion providers across 12 states. We also have deep partnerships with the abortion funds in our region, and are connected with over 100 funds nationwide via the National Network of Abortion Funds. This flexibility is critical, as the over 10,000 people who have reached out to us in the past year came from 40+ states, two U.S. territories, and four other countries.
Funding Abortion + Wrap-Around Support
Since the fall of Roe we have offered support to every person that we reached on our helpline. We have fielded over 10,000 requests for support. We are on track to spend close to $3 million to directly go towards appointment costs and related wrap-around supports. Our average pledge of $174 pre-Dobbs has stood at $425 this calendar year. In the past year, our lowest pledge was $20 and our highest was $10,940. We expanded our Programs staff from two in June 2022 to ten in June of 2023 to meet increased volume and case complexity as we field between 250-325 support requests each week.
In addition to abortion funding, CAF offers wrap-around support. This is anything that our callers need to make it to their appointments outside of medical costs: meal and gas stipends; planes, train and bus tickets; lodging; coordinating and providing childcare with our partners at the Chicago Childcare Collective, and/or deliveries of new clothes, pads, or other necessities. The need for this type of flexible and holistic support increased drastically post-Roe. For context, in the year before Roe fell, we supported 442 people with wrap-around support. In the last year, post-Dobbs, we have supported over 3,100.
Hospital Based Care
Chicago is a hub for hospital-based care, serving the Midwest and much of the South. People with complex medical needs face unique barriers to accessing abortion care, and these barriers can be even greater for those forced to cross state lines. Navigating hospital-based care is not an easy task, especially when the need is identified only after someone has gone to their initial appointment at an abortion clinic.
Hospital-based care also comes with extremely high costs: this year, we've pledged an average of $2,500 for appointment costs for each hospital-based case, with an additional average cost of $650 for those with travel and logistical needs. CAF has been working with hospital-based care partners at Rush University Medical Center, University of Illinois Health, Northwestern University, and the University of Chicago to develop a consultation and patient navigation center called CARLA. CARLA Nurse coordinators will support with medical intake, scheduling and coordination with hospitals, and with connecting people to CAF's financial, logistical, and emotional support.
Our Movement Building Program
Legislative Work
Celebrated the end of Parental Notice of Abortion in June of 2022
Rapidly spent a $250K grant from the City of Chicago’s 2022 Justice for All Pledge to support the influx people accessing abortion care in Chicago. This grant was renewed in 2023.
Supported in writing bill language for the Reproductive Health Travel Fund Act, a federal bill that aims to provide financial assistance to those who travel to receive reproductive health care
Supported the creation and advancement of two ordinances passed by the Chicago City Council – the Bodily Autonomy Sanctuary Ordinance and the Chicago Abortion Clinic Defense Fund – that seek to prevent the collaboration of city law enforcement with states pursuing charges against people who access gender affirming or abortion healthcare in the city of Chicago, and to provide resources to organizations protecting clinics on-the-ground
Met with lawmakers to advocate for the EACH Act – an ongoing piece of federal legislation to end the Hyde Amendment, secure Medicaid coverage of abortion nationwide, and support broader insurance coverage of abortion at the same rate of pregnancy-related care
Celebrated the passage of the Patient and Provider Protection Act – the first proactive piece of abortion legislation in the country post-Dobbs. This bill protects people seeking abortion or gender affirming care and their providers that are based in, or travel to, the state of Illinois. The bill also increases access to abortion care, gender affirming care, assisted reproduction, contraceptives, and PEP/PrEP
Mobilized hundreds of people to submit witness slips, and included our own caller testimonies to pass Senate Bill 1909, a bill that creates a mechanism for the Illinois Attorney General to bring legal action against anti-abortion fake “clinics” for deceiving and misinforming pregnant people. The bill is currently awaiting the Governor’s signature
Worked with partners at the City and State to hereby declare March 10th Abortion Provider Appreciation Day in Chicago and in Illinois
Met with newly inaugurated Chicago alderpeople in June 2023 to brief them on the state of abortion access in Illinois and Chicago with partners at Personal PAC and Planned Parenthood Illinois Action
Movement Building
Facilitated a conversation on abortion access between Vice President Kamala Harris and elected officials, movement leaders, student activists, and healthcare providers across the City and State
Onboarded 30 volunteers for an inaugural Movement Building Cohort to focus on mutual aid, political education, and fundraising projects, and hired a full-time Movement Building Director to lead grassroots and legislative organizing initiatives
Organized the only post-Roe mass mobilization on the South Side of Chicago with community partners at Kido, and saw a turnout of 2,000+
Co-led a Twitter Power Hour and served as an action community partner for All* Above All’s BOLD AF, UNITED AF: Hyde Anniversary week of action, marking 44 years of Congress imposing the harmful Hyde Amendment on our communities
Took leadership roles within coalitions of Illinois and Chicago-based repro organizations to plan, promote, secure speakers for, and/or MC three mass mobilizations in Downtown Chicago with tens of thousands of attendees in total
Raised over $240K for our annual Fund-A-Thon in 2023, empowering 176 individual fundraisers and 33 fundraising teams to talk about abortion in their communities & encourage people in their lives to support abortion access
See more (and photos!) in the Photo Year-In-Review!
Our WESearch Program
Completed our flagship Shaping Change Study, a qualitative analysis of 99 of our callers experiences accessing abortion care in Illinois during the pandemic
Produced a zine presenting the findings of the above study, “Shaping Change: 99 Steps Towards Justice,” that was released at a celebration in partnership with the Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry at the University of Chicago. Read the digital copy, as published in Portable Gray, here.
Conducted interviews with members of the CAF community on the question “What does Reproductive Justice Mean to You?”, and produced a short video of the answers
Partnered with Ibis Reproductive Health to aid with analysis and participant recruitment for their IMAP project, a longitudinal study of Indiana callers barriers to accessing abortion care
Completed a qualitative analysis of case managers' approach to abortion wayfinding and the nature of care work on our helpline
Provided our expertise on multiple panels discussing the impact of both private and public insurance coverage of abortion care
Facilitated workshops with Ci3 at the University of Chicago, exploring preferred consumer experiences for medication abortion care delivery in a community health care setting given recent changes to mifepristone regulations
Participated in preliminary discussions with academics and movement leaders in Washington D.C. to discuss the strategic implications of research exploring over-the-counter medication abortion pills
CAF in the News
Throughout this year, we advocated for our callers, spoke about the movement, and highlighted the work of abortion funds in articles, podcasts, and news segments. Below, we've featured some of our favorite pieces from the last year:
Article: What Abortion Funds Saw After Dobbs – Mother Jones, est. reading time 7 minutes
Article: Over 66,000 People Couldn’t Get An Abortion In Their Home State After Dobbs – FiveThirtyEight, est. reading time 15 minutes
Article: Abortion drug limits outside Illinois would further strain providers here, activists say – Chicago Sun-Times, est. reading time 2 minutes
Radio Segment: Are Illinois crisis pregnancy centers pushing people away from abortion care? – WBEZ RESET WITH SASHA-ANN SIMONS, 15 minutes
Radio Segment and Article: Abortion bans are fueling a rise in high-risk patients heading to Chicago hospitals – WBEZ, 6.5 minute listen/est. reading time 15 minutes
Article: The end of Roe, one year later – Vox, est. reading time 6 minutes
Article: Measuring Dobbs’ Lasting Harm – In These Times, est. reading time 11 minutes
Article: Abortion Funds Are Hanging On By A Thread A Year After Dobbs – Yahoo, est. reading time 8 minutes
Article: Chicagoan of the Year Megan Jeyifo – CHICAGO MAGAZINE, est. reading time 2.5 minutes
Article: What It Costs to Get an Abortion Now – New York Times, est. reading time 8 minutes
Article: More People Are Relying on Abortion Funds 6 Months After the Fall of Roe v. Wade – TIME, est. reading time 6 minutes
Podcast: Abortion Funds Are Preparing for a Storm. To Help, “Get in Where You Fit in” – TRUTHOUT MOVEMENT MEMOS, 50 minutes
Article: The Next Major Reproductive Freedom Movement Has Begun—and It’s Creating Something Way More Powerful Than Roe – COSMOPOLITAN, est. reading time 15 minutes
Podcast: One Million Experiments Part 7: Chicago Abortion Fund – ONE MILLION EXPERIMENTS, 1 hour 16 minutes
VIDEO: Illinois clinics ramp up aid for women seeking abortions across state lines – PBS NEWSHOUR, 8 minutes
Radio Segment: Assessing the state of abortion rights in Illinois as the election approaches – WBEZ RESET WITH SASHA-ANN SIMONS, 17 minutes
Video: Abortion Funds See Surge in Demand as Out-of-State Patients Flood Illinois – NBC 5, 3 minutes
Our Collaborators
Our work cannot happen in isolation. We collaborate with regional and national abortion providers, abortion funds, and advocacy organizations to support our callers and build our movement. These existing networks hold deep expertise in abortion access – and are even more crucial as more people must travel for care. This list is non-exhaustive – we work with over 75 clinics, Telehealth providers, and hospitals across 12 states; are in network with over 100 abortion funds nationwide, and are connected several to robust coalitions – but we wanted to name and appreciate some of our most regular collaborators.
ACLU Illinois | National Institute for Reproductive Health | Ibis Reproductive Health | Gray Center for Arts & Inquiry | Chicago Department of Public Health | All* Above All | All-Options | Chicago For Abortion Rights | Chicago NOW | Equality IL | Indivisible Chicago | Midwest Access Project | National Network of Abortion Funds | Personal PAC | Planned Parenthood of Illinois | Reproductive Transparency Now | South Side Birth Center
Abortion Funds
Hoosier Abortion Fund | Louisiana Abortion Fund | Women’s Medical Fund of WI | Our Justice | National Abortion Federation | Nebraska Abortion Resources | Midwest Access Coalition | Justice Through Empowerment Network | Kentucky Health Justice Network | Fund Texas Choice | TEA Fund | DC Abortion Fund | Abortion Fund of Ohio | POWERS WI | ARC Southeast | Iowa Abortion Access Fund | Missouri Abortion Fund | Abortion Fund of Arizona
Clinics & Providers
Family Planning Associates | American Women’s Medical Center | Women’s Aid Center | Carafem | Planned Parenthood Illinois | UI Health | Rush University Medical Center | University of Chicago Ryan Center | Hope Clinic | Planned Parenthood Fairview Heights | Alamo Women’s Clinic Carbondale | Alamo Women’s Clinic Albuquerque | CHOICES Center for Reproductive Health Carbondale | Women’s Med Indianapolis | Women’s Med Dayton | Clinic for Women Indiana | Planned Parenthood Indiana | Trust Women Wichita | Aria Wichita | Hey Jane | Just the Pill | Access Health Center | Partners in Abortion Care | DuPont Clinic
Awards and Honors
Organizational Awards
2023 Donald F. Erickson Synapses Award recipient from Crossroads Fund
2022 Lucy Gonzales Parsons Award for Community Organizing recipient from Chicago DSA
Chicago Mayoral Medal of Honor
Staff Honors
City of Chicago Women’s History Month Honorees: Executive Director Megan Jeyifo
Chicago Magazine Chicagoan of the Year: CAF Executive Director Megan Jeyifo
Thank You to our Donors & Grantee Notes
Each donation to CAF goes directly towards getting people to the abortion care they want, need, & deserve – and working towards a reality where everyone has access to affirming, affordable abortion care in their communities. We could not do our work without the generosity of our donors– big and small. Thank you.
Major Funders of 2022
Amalgamated Charitable Foundation | Anonymous | Anonymous | Anonymous | Argosy Foundation | Charter Oak Foundation | Chicago Foundation for Women | City of Chicago | Conant Foundation | Crossroads Fund | Digital Defense Fund | Equality Illinois | Ford Foundation | Frank E. Rubovits Fund and Michael Reese Health Trust | George and Cindy Rusu Family Foundation | Grant Healthcare | Hasenbalg-Gorouhi Charitable Giving Fund | Irving Harris Foundation | JarMar Giving Fund | Lefkofsky Family Foundation | Love On The Menu via The Abundance Setting | Masson Family Fund | National Network of Abortion Funds | Paul M. Angell Foundation | Planned Parenthood of Illinois | Polk Brothers Foundation | Prentice Foundation | Sara & Two C-Dogs Foundation | Sparkjoy Foundation | Squared Impact Fund | Summer Oaks Fund | UIC School of Public Health MCH Gift Fund | The Vermont Community Foundation | Vivo Foundation | Whirled Peas Foundation
Notes From Our Grantees
Alt text included for accessibility
Partner Testimonials
On May 9th, after the Dobbs decision was leaked, we attended the signing of the Justice for All Pledge – a commitment from the City of Chicago to invest $500K into increasing abortion access to reproductive healthcare. CAF would go on to be one of two recipients of this critical investment. Since then, we have quickly spent the full $250K award breaking down barriers for Chicagoans, Illinoisans, and people traveling from across the country to access abortion care in the city of Chicago; this grant was renewed in 2023.
On June 24, 2022 – the day that Roe fell – CAF staff, board members, and volunteers spread out to attend press conferences, interviews, and a massive rally and march with thousands of abortion access supporters in the streets of Downtown Chicago. We also reached back out to each of the 60 people who called us that day for assistance, and continued to support the people who we had already connected with – some of whom were facing immediate trigger bans that blocked them from their original appointments.
On 'Independence Day' in July, we teamed up with Kido for a specifically family-focused march & rally on Chicago's South Side to imagine a future with true independence and bodily autonomy. Over two thousand children, parents, and community members showed up to support abortion access – with tunes from DJ Cash Era, merch from Kido, snacks from Stephanie Izard and Rogers Park Food not Bombs, and safety support from Indivisible Chicago. We created a space for all ages, all genders, and all voices to speak up for reproductive freedom.
This summer we helped write bill language for the Reproductive Health Travel Fund Act, a federal bill that aimed to provide grant assistance to those who travel to receive reproductive health care. We also supported the crafting and passage of two ordinances that passed in the Chicago City Council in July – the Bodily Autonomy Sanctuary Ordinance and the Chicago Abortion Clinic Defense Fund. These initiatives seek to prevent the collaboration of city law enforcement with states pursuing charges against people who have transgressed restrictive laws regarding gender affirming or abortion healthcare by traveling (or aiding someone who is traveling) to the city of Chicago for care, and to provide resources to organizations protecting abortion access on the ground.
July 17th through 23rd, we celebrated the first ever Abortion Funder Appreciation Week, recognizing the love, care, and commitment of our helpline staff and volunteers in an extremely chaotic time. We not only uplifted our CAF community, but we also sent graphics and notes of support to our sibling abortion funds.
All year, but particularly in this post-Roe era, our community has banded together to fund abortions for people across the Midwest and beyond. While it is impossible to name them all, we wanted to acknowledge and thank everyone who mobilized their communities this year, organizing bake sale pop-ups, benefit concerts, pizza parties, chef-driven dinners, house parties, art raffles, t-shirt sales, small business fundraisers, or monthly dice nights. Our work would be impossible without grassroots support from unapologetic abortion access supporters – folks who put their resources towards getting people seeking abortion to the care they want, need, and deserve.
On September 16th, Executive Director Megan Jeyifo moderated a roundtable featuring Vice President Kamala Harris, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker, Illinois Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton, Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul, U.S. Congressman Danny Davis, and former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot. After initial remarks in front of the press, CAF and other Chicago reproductive health providers, organizers, and advocates entered a closed session to share our work and our policy concerns with these leaders.
In September, we participated in the national Taco or Bev Challenge and called on our supporters to "taco-bout" abortion in their communities, donate to their local abortion funds, and host house parties with their communities to gather and support abortion access. This year, we partnered with four Chicago businesses across the city – Antique Taco, Moneygun, Build Coffee, and The Native – who each hosted a taco- or beverage-themed promotion with proceeds going to CAF during the month of September.
In October, we released the findings from our Shaping Change study with a zine release party at the Stony Island Arts Bank in partnership with the Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry. This study, spearheaded by CAF's WEsearch Department, is a qualitative analysis of 99 of our callers' experiences accessing abortion care in Illinois during the pandemic. Through this groundbreaking research, we compiled concrete policy priorities from our grantees, were able to compensate each interviewee for their expertise, and built a strong team of community-based Reproductive Justice researchers. We hope to use this experience to help us continue to foreground our callers' experiences and to build out a more robust follow-up program.
In December, CAF Executive Director Megan Jeyifo was named a 2022 Chicago Magazine Chicagoan of the year, and celebrated the honor with friends, CAF staff members, past recipients, and the four other trailblazing Chicagoans. In her acceptance speech, Megan closed with a sentiment of hope:
"It's a privilege to do this work that's so close to my heart. Abortion is common, essential healthcare, and it is under attack right now. It has been under attack for a long time. But when we publicly affirm people who had abortions – people like me – and when we unapologetically advocate for abortion access for all people, we change culture. And that will help us win."
In February and March we met with U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky and Senator Tammy Duckworth to speak to them about our work, and to ask them to sign onto The Abortion Justice Pledge. The pledge is based on the All* Action Plan for Abortion Justice and demonstrates these elected officials’ leadership and commitment to policies that ensure abortion care is affordable, available, and accessible.
On February 10th, CAF volunteers tabled at the Yollocalli annual Anti-Valentines Day Party, where they talked to hundreds of young people about abortion, collected anonymous Q&A submissions, and distributed goodies (including free Plan B)!
While we celebrate abortion providers all day every day, this year we were proud to work with our state and city partners to have Abortion Provider Appreciation Day officially recognized both at the state and city level on March 10th. To mark the first official celebration, we met with abortion providers, city officials, and former members of the Jane Collective at City Hall, and received our own copy of the state proclamation. The CAF team also sent lunch and snacks to providers in Chicago, Illinois, New Mexico and Washington, D.C.
Throughout March, members of our Movement Building Cohort created curriculum for a community teach-in entitled ”Unapologetically Pro-Abortion: A Workshop on Reproductive Justice & Busting Abortion Stigma.” The teach-in was facilitated in-person and virtually to over 50 participants, who engaged in heart-to-heart abortion conversations, learned about the connections between abortion justice and reproductive justice, and reflected on how to talk about abortion free of stigma and shame.
On March 21st, we joined our partner Chicago For Abortion Rights to speak at a press conference and counterprotest in Springfield as anti-abortion protesters gathered at our state’s capital for their so-called March for “Life.” Alicia, who spoke on behalf of CAF, opened by stating:
I am proud to be pro-abortion. I am proud to be pro-abortion because I know that abortion access means liberation. Abortion access means autonomy and freedom. Abortion means caring for your body, centering yourself and your needs. It means accessing basic healthcare. Because abortion is safe, common, necessary healthcare, and everyone deserves access to the healthcare they want and need. Period.
On January 13th, 2023 we spoke at the signing of the Patient and Provider Protection Act into law, the first proactive abortion justice bill post-Dobbs. The bill increases access to birth control & PEP and PrEP, and aims to protect individuals seeking abortions, assisted reproductive technology, and gender affirming care in Illinois, even if they are coming from states where these procedures are banned, restricted, or otherwise criminalized. This was a huge step that further cements Illinois’ status as an access point for many types of reproductive health care.
In April, we responded to the legal attacks by anti-abortion extremists on mifepristone – a drug with a 20 year track record as a safe, effective option to end an early pregnancy. We attended a press conference with Chicago For Abortion Rights, Gay Liberation Network, and Planned Parenthood of Illinois; shared remarks for a Chicago for Abortion Rights protest at Federal Plaza; and spent the month coordinating state allies with our independent clinic partners to prepare for the worst case outcome. The fate of mifepristone is still being settled through the courts.
In April and May, we mobilized hundreds of people across Illinois to submit witness slips for SB1909, a bill that will create a mechanism for the Illinois Attorney General to bring legal action against Crisis Pregnancy Centers (A.K.A. anti-abortion clinics that lure people seeking abortion through their doors) for deceiving and misinforming pregnant people. We also supported Senator Villanueva in preparing for debate on the Illinois Senate floor, where she shared stories of several CAF callers who had been harmed and/or deceived by fake abortion clinics in her closing remarks. To celebrate the passage of this initiative, we joined Reproductive Transparency Now and gave remarks at their action in front of Women’s Aid Center, a fake abortion clinic downtown. SB1909 currently awaits Governor J.B. Pritzker’s signature.
In March through May, an amazing team of staff and volunteers planned and hosted our most successful Fund-A-Thon yet! The Fund-A-Thon is the largest nationwide peer-to-peer fundraiser for abortion funds, and also serves as a moment for community building and political education. Through screen printing pop-ups, bake sales, Twitch streams, custom merch giveaways, heart-to-heart conversations about abortion, and more; our 173 grassroots fundraisers went into their communities and raised over $240K for abortion access. We celebrated our collective accomplishments with a gathering at Lo Rez Brewery & Taproom, complete with food, drinks, raffle items, a DJ set from Rae Chardonnay, and more!
On June 21st, we celebrated the release of our zine, “Shaping Change: 99 Steps Towards Justice” in the Family Issue of Portable Gray. This affirms two things that we know to be true: (1) abortion access is a family issue, and (2) that our helpline staff and callers hold deep expertise on the current abortion access landscape that is worthy of (but not defined by) academic attention. The celebration was part of Shred the Shed, a pop-up skate park with food, drinks, and an incredible DJ lineup, at the Salt Shed, and CAF Executive Director Megan recorded a live podcast with Bad At Sports at the event. In the afterword of this publication of the zine, Megan shares this quote:
I realize I don’t know very much. None of us knows very much. But we can all learn more. Then we can teach one another. We can stop denying reality or hoping it will go away by magic.
—Octavia Butler,Parable of the Sower